vongolaprimo Dood, who's piloting the Gurren now? I mean Kamina did die right?
eytang8@yahoo.com yeah
eytang8@yahoo.com so it's just Simon
vongolaprimo oh I see
vongolaprimo that's gay
vongolaprimo *sucks
eytang8@yahoo.com and Rossiu is in there
vongolaprimo oh I see
eytang8@yahoo.com 'cause he has to be
vongolaprimo lol
eytang8@yahoo.com he's just there to take up space
vongolaprimo wow they killed Kamina too early though
eytang8@yahoo.com yeah
vongolaprimo that sucks so much balls
eytang8@yahoo.com Personally, I liked part 2 of the anime better than part 1
vongolaprimo oh
vongolaprimo how many parts are there?
eytang8@yahoo.com 2
vongolaprimo so...part 1 is when Kamina was alive?
vongolaprimo that was kinda short
vongolaprimo if that was part 1
eytang8@yahoo.com No
eytang8@yahoo.com Part 1 goes 'till a timeskip
vongolaprimo Ah ok
vongolaprimo lol I still don't have any idea where it happens but ok
eytang8@yahoo.com It's really noticeable, 'cause everyone is like 10-20 years older
vongolaprimo oh snap
vongolaprimo that's cool
vongolaprimo so like
vongolaprimo they get older?
vongolaprimo like..Simon actually grows?
eytang8@yahoo.com He's like 20 after the timeskip
vongolaprimo oh wow
vongolaprimo so like..everyone gets older huh..? Does other
vongolaprimo *Others' appearances changes?
eytang8@yahoo.com yeah
vongolaprimo So then Roshiu changed and Yoko did? And the two kids?
vongolaprimo basically everyone?
vongolaprimo ok..imma skip just to see it lol
eytang8@yahoo.com yeah
eytang8@yahoo.com No
eytang8@yahoo.com don't
eytang8@yahoo.com you'll spoil a lot
vongolaprimo ....
vongolaprimo yeah.
eytang8@yahoo.com http://randomc.animeblogger.net/image/Gurren%20Lagann/Gurren%20Lagann%20-%20Future%20Simon.jpg
eytang8@yahoo.com There
eytang8@yahoo.com That's how some of the characters look
eytang8@yahoo.com with no spoilers
vongolaprimo OH SHIT
vongolaprimo AND SIMON LOOKS LIKE....Li from DTD
vongolaprimo *DTB
eytang8@yahoo.com yeah
eytang8@yahoo.com older Simon is a badass
vongolaprimo lol
vongolaprimo wow ok this is cool lol
vongolaprimo wow dood a lot changed
vongolaprimo after Kamina's death
eytang8@yahoo.com yeah
vongolaprimo and then a lot will change even more lol
eytang8@yahoo.com definitely
vongolaprimo Yeah it's better in Kamina's alive. lol.
vongolaprimo It's more funnier, the show.
vongolaprimo well I'm not even sure if I can use more with funnier
vongolaprimo but yeah
eytang8@yahoo.com yup
vongolaprimo So, done with ur hw yet?
eytang8@yahoo.com nope
vongolaprimo lol
vongolaprimo r u doing it right now?
eytang8@yahoo.com yep
vongolaprimo lol...maybe I should do mine too....
eytang8@yahoo.com um, yeah
vongolaprimo lol...hm I don't feel like it =_=
eytang8@yahoo.com you kinda have to
vongolaprimo yeah I know, no excuse. I had two weeks off lol
vongolaprimo yo, can I ask u a question?
eytang8@yahoo.com sure
vongolaprimo Turns out I have to outline stuff for Bio. ....Err..outlining is basically summarizing the whole chapter right?>
eytang8@yahoo.com yeah
vongolaprimo ah ok. cool.
eytang8@yahoo.com Well, summarizing the chapter little by little
vongolaprimo oh. what do u mean by that?
vongolaprimo portions of it?
eytang8@yahoo.com Well, a couple of sentences for main ideas and vocab words
vongolaprimo Oh! I see.
vongolaprimo ok.
vongolaprimo Well I have to read to chapter first to understand it
eytang8@yahoo.com It's easiest to outline as you read
vongolaprimo Yeah. So like..basically while I'm reading I can just jot down importand details right? =/
eytang8@yahoo.com something like that
vongolaprimo oh.
vongolaprimo alright thanks
vongolaprimo imma log out so I won't get distracted. See ya tomorrow I guess
eytang8@yahoo.com 'kay
vongolaprimo oh right thanks for the info
eytang8@yahoo.com see ya
vongolaprimo Wow..I never knew outlining can be so boring.
eytang8@yahoo.com yep
eytang8@yahoo.com that's how it is
vongolaprimo It's a pain in the ass =_=
vongolaprimo yeah it is..
vongolaprimo it feels like it's a waste of time... =_=
vongolaprimo Well, imma go now. See ya!
eytang8@yahoo.com 'kay